I really like bubble tea a lot and I liked it since the first time I tried it.

I found a really good Bubble tea place called GoodTea 珍棒.

They have all kinds of flavours from teas with fruits like strawberries and lemon, teas with milk, various smoothies, teas of crushed ice (granite), and others. They have many different tapioca flavours including large round pieces, smaller pieces, and crushed fruit pieces for the granite.

My favorite tea is the lemon and strawberry tea. It is full of the tangy taste of strawberries and lemons. They put whole lemons in the tea and I drank with the large round tapioca beads. I liked it a lot and it was really a lot of fun drinking the tea.

The store also has treats called Mochi. It is a small piece of pastry that is chewy and a little harder to separate and it holds inside an ice cream mouse type filling of tropical flavor. It is cold and really tasty. The dough reminds me a little of the Dim Sum dumplings.

I liked the Mochi a lot and I liked the store a lot. It is full of toys made from a new toy buildings blocks that appear like small circular blocks. The small circles were combined to make many toys. The entire store is full of them and I liked it a lot.

The place is really amazing and fun. When I was inside it feels like I am in a modern boutique in China. It has the modern seating and glazed modern displays, it is also full of the toys made from the small building blocks. The toys are beautiful and remind of the development of China, of the modern and tech inspired with the fun. There are also beautiful Chinese cartoon art cartoon prints on the canvas where they make the tea. It is really fun to look at.

It says to take a lot of photos inside and people look like they have a lot of fun.

I loved the bubble tea a lot and I will visit again soon.

They are located at the University metro line near the University of Barcelona and it is really a fun spot to visit. It is usually full of students, cafes, and it is a large open square to meet and have fun.

I highly recommend to visit the bubble tea place. I think it is a place to have a lot of fun and really the quality and the level of the store is really high.